LSX World Congress 2021
LSX World Congress gathers the founders and CEOs of innovative startups through to publicly listed life sciences giants, and everyone in between. It represents the breadth and depth of the cutting-edge research and technology driving the advances in the industry right now and in the near future.
When? February 1st – 5th
SuperTechnology North America 2021
300+ of the leading players in private equity and venture capital from the West Coast and beyond join SuperTechnology North America 2021 every year. Meet private equity specialists from development finance institutions, endowments, foundations, insurance companies, pension funds and sovereign wealth funds. Plus the key buyout, middle market, growth and venture capital fund managers in the region.
When? February 2nd – 3rd
KAYO Women’s Power Market Summit
150 investors and executives in power and utility finance and investing will discuss the latest trends in energy policy, generation, power market dynamics, power finance, power asset valuation, and M&A activity at KAYO Women’s Power Market Summit.
When? February 2nd – 3rd
The Information’s Future of Startups: Lessons for Next-Gen Disruptors
The Information’s Future of Startups: Lessons for Next-Gen Disruptors is a day-long event for startup managers, CEOs, and investors to learn from founders of category-defining businesses.
When? February 4th
HBS Virtual VCPE Conference 2021
The Venture Capital and Private Equity Club at the Harvard Business School will hold its 27th annual Venture Capital & Private Equity Conference.
When? February 6th