A Swedish cleantech trailblazer, specialized in bio-based energy storage for self-powering of electronics
SUSTAINABLE SUPERCAPACITORS FOR SELF-POWERED WIRELESS ELECTRONICS Ligna Energy offer the thinnest, most sustainable and cost efficient supercapacitors for self-powering of wireless electronics - Sustainable power for an intelligent tomorrow! In a world rapidly embracing digital transformation, the need for energy is immense, yet the resources are finite. At Ligna Energy, we are committed to being a key driving force behind this change, offering bio-based and high-quality energy storage solutions. The uniqueness relates to sustainable materials and production technology - forming the basis for products being cost efficient, ultra-thin and at the highest sustainability. Current focus is on sales and supply of the S-power supercapacitor product range. in the light of growing digitalisation of society: by providing a green and thin energy storage capability well suited for current peaks of connected units we are enabling IoT sensors to a higher extent. This leads to a more efficient utilization of assets in e.g. the smart building sector and for trackers and labels affecting logistics. Ligna Energy is in the phase of heavily scaling up sales and production and is forecasting million annual unit scale as of late 2025. The team is highly motivated to interact with customers to optimise value in the system solution layer. Ligna Energy is 2023 part of the official 33-list of swedens best tech startups (NyTeknik).
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