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GMZ Enerji Sistemleri

Empowering Green Hydrogen with Advanced Nanofiber Membranes for a Greener Future

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Turkey, Eskisehir


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As GMZ Enerji, we develop innovative solutions for electrolyzer and fuel cell systems, which are green hydrogen energy technologies. The heart of both systems is membranes. These membranes contain high technology and have high added value. Although high cost is one of the biggest problems in commercial membranes prepared by normal casting method, performance, strength and production sustainability are the features that need to be improved. The nanofiber membranes we developed with machine learning and artificial intelligence-based performance optimization solutions and produced using the electrospinning method have up to 10 times higher performance and 20-30% of lower costs. Additionally, their negative environmental effects are minimized due to their non-fluorinated structure. Electrospinning device subcomponents that enable the production of nanofiber membranes with desired properties are also among our products.

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