Topics Discussed:
- A long list of impressive jobs
- Boris and Patrick are vicious
- Andy Grignon and the story of Fuckchop
- Blursday, the fortyteenth of Maprilay
- Cardiff sucks
- Dan is avoiding the news
- Don’t do anything, Don’t see anyone, and wear a mask
- 5 dishes, rather than 2
- Matt used to be a teacher
- Cooking with Corona
- Q-anon Cocoa
- A deeper respect for educators
- Jack’s beard
- Dealing with Trump(?)
- Twitter’s terms of service
- Freedom of Speech vs. Freedom of Reach
- Fuck the Internet
- Bad Actors
- Your Internet Drivers License
- No tears in your laughter
- Whatsapp screws the pooch
- Facebook is the least trusted brand in the world
- (If) Matt is head of comms at Whatsapp
- Dan’s bad british accent
- Matt breaks down the UK governement’s COVID comms
- Brexit: Matt and Dan are going to write a book
- Pandemic: How has social media changed?
- Clubhouse – Dan is a VIP member, and will never pay a dime for it
- Any major brands jumping on the audio trend? Dan needs a job
- Your message aimed at a highly targeted audience. Let’s talk.
- The Social Media Geekout
- Lurking
- 22.5k people in the group
- What happened to the Geekout Podcast?
- Friday Afternoon Clubhouse
- Are we post Podcast?
- This conversation brought to you by … Brewdog. Brewdog, when you want to have a quality brew from Scotland
- Social Media Manager – trained professional or intern?
- Over 30? Can I still be the social media manager?
- Purveyors of cool
- Social Media Managers, PR? Support? Photographer? Videographer?
- Influencers. Ugh.
- Paid Guerilla Marketing?
- What do you do?
- Discord. Über geek!
- Matt’s newsletter
- Matt is going to get very drunk
- Spread a little Sunshine
Where to Find Us:
Find Matt at:
Find Dan at: