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Playfinity: Revolutionizing Physical Activity with Digital Experiences

Combining Sports and Digital Experiences

Playfinity, under the leadership of CEO Pippa Boothman, has taken a unique approach to keeping kids active. The company focuses on blending sports with digital experiences to encourage children to engage in physical activity. This idea was born out of the founders’ personal experiences, observing their kids transition from hours of physical play to screen time. Playfinity’s solution? Active gaming. By using gamification techniques, they have managed to create an engaging platform that motivates kids to stay active.


Digitized Sporting Equipment

Playfinity’s product offering includes digitized sporting equipment that connects to a free app full of games. This allows kids to challenge themselves, play with others around the world, and even create leaderboards and avatars. The aim is not to create elite athletes, but to encourage kids to play more and play more often. Pippa explains, “There’s a ton of sports tech for the 2 percent of kids that take the elite track. There’s nothing for the 98 percent of kids who just want to have fun and who are at the biggest risk of dropping out.”

The Power of Gamification

Playfinity’s approach leverages the power of gamification to motivate kids to stay active. Pippa notes that the language kids understand today is technology and gamification. By using these tools, Playfinity is helping combat the global challenge of youth inactivity, which has significant physical and mental health implications. The company has successfully gamified physical activity, making it more appealing to the younger generation.

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Overcoming Challenges

As a small company operating in the massive sectors of gaming, technology, and sports, Playfinity has faced its fair share of challenges. One of the biggest hurdles has been raising funds in a challenging economic climate. However, despite these difficulties, the company has managed to achieve significant milestones, including launching four products and gaining users in over 21 countries.

The Future of Playfinity

Looking ahead, Playfinity is excited about the potential of digitization in sports. Despite being early in this journey, the company is optimistic about the role technology will play in promoting physical activity among kids. As Pippa puts it, “In five years, there’s going to be so much digitization in sports…soon it’s going to be a much bigger category for the consumer.” With this vision, Playfinity is set to revolutionize how kids engage in physical activity.



Find Pippa on:

LinkedIn: Pippa Boothman


Find Ben on:

LinkedIn: Ben Costantini

Twitter/X: @bencostantini

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