While Ben was away in Spain last week, I knew “the list” would fall into my lap, and I turned my attention to what my attention was turned to. What I found was that much of it wasn’t really “business” focused at all.
At least not directly.
Which made me think that I was failing. At least at the “business” part.
And while this may be true by some measurements, I came to realize that my “business” is the business of creation. Of storytelling. Of drawing from a wide range of resources so that I CAN and AM armed with a wide range of knowledge.
Whether that’s to carry on an intelligent conversation, craft an intro to a newsletter, or simply know my fucking history, it all adds up.
With a clear and present danger of ignorance on full display last week, the Persona Universale is, and should be, the most sought after “business” skill of them all.
And that, has made all the difference.
From basement project to most sought after cycle in the world in less than a decade. This inspiring chronicle of Cervélo outlines the cultivation of the unique culture of the brand, as well as the daring and innovative engineering that’s set them apart from their competitors.
- Link: https://tomakeridersfaster.com/
- Author: Anna Dopico
Robin called it last week.
Uber and Airbnb were created in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. Do with that what you will.
- Link:
- Author: Alex Gold
Life. A bit less fucking seriously.
Prediction: Nicolas Cage is poised for a John Travolta-circa-Pulp Fiction renaissance.
Because sometimes taking your brand LESS seriously can be the path to success.
- Link: https://www.netflix.com/browse?jbv=81305757
- Director: Christopher D’Elia
Saving the world with Snoop and the story behind it.
It’s a proven fact, humor works. And saving the planet is no laughing matter.
- Link: https://creativepool.com/magazine/industry/behind-the-idea-snoop-dogg-saves-the-planet–with-sodastream-global-cmo-karin-schifter.24354
- Author: Creativepool Editorial
Plan it or lose it
If you’re still scrambling for content on a weekly basis … clicky clicky.
All your data are belong to us
Later on Thursday, Facebook issued a statement saying that there would be no changes in the “European region” – which covers the EU, EEA, and post-Brexit UK.
And if you believe that one, there’s this company called Cambridge Analytica I’d like to introduce you to.
Signal. #justsayin’
- Link: https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-55573149
- Author: BBC News
Sit the fuck down and shut up.
Well, we saw what it finally takes to get the fat man banned forever. Encouraging a violent insurrection by domestic terrorists. Great.
Here, Corey sums up EVERYTHING that I’ve been thinking for the past 4 years.
It’s about time
“A record label markets music and distributes royalties for the artists that it’s signed based on records sold, downloaded and streamed. But unless the company also a publisher it won’t provide a full service for songwriters.”
London’s own Henry Marsden wants to change that.
- Link: https://www.forbes.com/sites/trevorclawson/2020/12/22/on-songhow-technology-can-help-composers-to-get-their-just-deserts/?sh=2ffeddf770c5
- Author: Trevor Clawson
It’s a podcast. About a startup podcast media company.
That was eventually acquired by Spotify. To the tune of $230M. … un huh.
Listen and learn.
- Link: https://gimletmedia.com/shows/startup
- Author: Gimlet Media
Hat tip: Nick Stevens. This man knows his shit.
“Your art is only as good as who says it’s good.” – Dan Taylor
Masterpiece? Child’s doodle? Art is in the eye of the beholder. And when the beholders are art critics … well …
- Link: https://youtu.be/Nxes8pyHkJc
- Published by: Royal Academy of Arts
Cut it out
Do you know YOUR carbon footprint? I didn’t either. It’s 2021. Time to get with the program.
- Link: https://footprint.wwf.org.uk/#/
- Author: WWF