And to warm you up we’ve selected already 5 articles to help you understand better how communities work and why Web3 is eating the community world.
We also cover other topics with an impressive report on DeepTech trends by The Engine.
There’s also an eyeopening story about a record label that lived for only 30 months and shaped the next 30 years of leadership in the music industry #powermovers
But let’s start with some down to earth business strategy for startup founders and marketers. How do you run successful partnerships?
Hey Startups: It’s Not all About Direct Sales—Your Guide to Partnerships and Channels
“It’s tempting for startups to approach integration and solutions partners with only their own perspective in mind: “We offer an incredible new SaaS solution that disrupts X or enhances Y. Why not use it?” The reality from a partner’s point-of-view is very different. Channel partners have ingrained processes and solutions. Operating in markets that necessitate growth and retention of business, they repeat known solutions and have trained hundreds or thousands of people on how to sell, integrate, or sell the vision of specific solutions. They’re not going to disrupt a working sales process lightly.”
DAOs: Absorbing the Internet
DAOs represent a new framework for large-scale human coordination and at the heart of human coordination – decentralized or not – is organizational culture. No different than company culture at an early stage startup or community culture in an undiscovered music scene, culture can be defined as the behaviors, patterns, and values that emerge between groups of individuals… While every DAO finds its own ways to engender culture with visual, linguistic, and behavioral norms, two traits seem to be particularly commonplace across the DAO landscape: the tendency for constituents to act like owners, and the expectation of radical transparency.”
How to get paid by DAOs
“DAOs are in need of labor. They need people to work for them in order to achieve their core mission. Whether it’s for a protocol DAO like Yearn and Sushi looking to create a new paradigm in financial technology or Social DAOs like Friends with Benefits and Bankless DAO looking to propagate culture, there’s plenty of ways to contribute and add value. As mentioned, the cool part is you don’t have to work full time. It’s always up to you how much time you want to put in.”
The 5 Secrets to Community Onboarding: How to Reduce Churn and Create Super Fans
“Walking into a party without your host can feel confusing, alienating, and frustrating. And for your customers, joining a new community without onboarding is just as bad.”
- :: Michelle Dalton
Community-Led Growth: Introduction and best practices
“By accepting to lose some control over their brand narrative and laying out contribution swimlanes for external users, every company can unlock massive Community-Led Growth opportunities across all areas of their business.”
Questions To Ask Your Community Members Before Re-Strategizing
“Whatever the reason, the first step I recommend to anyone going through this process is to interview your members. I’ve found that these interviews are the most productive when conducted one-on-one or in a roundtable setting. That’s because it’s a more personal approach than just sending out a survey, and your members will appreciate this level of attention.”
2021 Tough Tech Landscape
“…the past two years have been defined by a pandemic that has only sharpened our collective sense of urgency to discover and commercialize Tough Tech companies. These years serve as a reminder of why we must continue to create the frameworks to support those who are solving massive problems through the convergence of science, engineering and leadership.” – Katie Rae, CEO & MP @TheEngine
Right Place, Right Time: How SBK Records’ 30 Months of Existence Launched 30 Years of Music Industry Leadership
“People thought we were overconfident to the point of arrogance. We set out to be the best of the best, what we called ‘the SBK Difference.’ We just did everything a little better, spent a little more money on everything from release parties to listening sessions to personal chefs in the office to private jets. For Poe, we rented out a hot-air balloon visible to everyone landing at the local airport in Virginia. We were competing against all the other independent labels at the time – Arista, Motown. Once we hit our stride, we were unstoppable.”