- Having worked at the World Economic Forum for fifteen years, John focused on creative communities of impact for young leaders and social entrepreneurs.
- Young Global Leaders, YGL, is a community of change-makers under forty and global shapers in their twenties from across a wide range of society. They range from CEOs to journalists, academics to entrepreneurs.
- The Schwab Foundation for entrepreneurship is joining in creating this digital community for global change.
- The one thing that has been a constant in all of this background has been the event software, which was built internally since the days of kiosks and manual ticketing.
- The magic of Davos is that you can get back to the origin of people to people without the chaperone organizing your schedule.
- Peter Gabriel and Archbishop Desmond Tutu were also part of an initiative by YGL trying to promote global dignity.
- In a typical year, there are around 2300-2500 official delegates attending the forum, with another 700-1000 people who are attending in support of those leaders. Outside of that, tens of thousands of people are coming to the city to participate in side events.
- Strategic intelligence, Uplink, and Davos are all part of the same digital ecosystem.
- Uplink is the free public side of this digital ecosystem, with over 55,000 people on the platform.
- There are two functions they are looking at on the platform for their app: end-to-end innovation sourcing and trying to inspire people to get involved in this movement for people and planet.
- 1T.org (the trillion trees movement), is looking to tackle the climate problem through a nature-based solution with the mission of getting corporate pledges for tree planting, supporting ecopreneurs, and helping countries on the ground with regional chapters.
- Making a big wave is also the First Movers Coalition. An initiative exploring how to get the technology necessary to get to a net-zero future through the aggregation of the demand side of corporate partners.
Find John on:
- LinkedIn: John Dutton
- X: @John_Dutton1107
Find Ben on:
- LinkedIn: Ben Costantini
- Twitter/X: @bencostantini