Reading List for Entrepreneurs W48 – Selected

This week will make you cry. There’s a hidden gem in the list where you will discover the artistry of a “radical nun”.

As usual, you will also get a solid dose of marketing knowledge on communities and the future of digital media, including a crazy case study by Zenly’s Head of Comms.

I’m wondering if you’ve ever had a feeling of community with Selected. Back in the day, we presented Startup Sesame as an alliance of Tech events and quickly felt that event lovers around us were feeling part of a movement. Some are still praising it, calling themselves Sesamers.

But are we still nurturing this feeling while socially distant? Can it be solved by launching a digital hub for members of Selected? Let me know what you think >>

By the way, quantum physicists are breaking the speed of light.


How Discord (somewhat accidentally) invented the future of the internet.

A comprehensive look into how a series of pivots and recognizing the most valuable feature(s) of a product (accidentally) led to an astounding community success.

How Discord (somewhat accidentally) invented the future of the internet
Discord’s founders just wanted to create a way to talk to their gamer friends. They created something much bigger.
  • Link:
  • Author: David Pierce
  • Source:

Big trend: online communities at the intersection of content curation and knowledge management

We are living through the emergence of a new business category that doesn’t even have a name yet, but which I believe will become an important part of our digital lives: online communities at the intersection of content curation and knowledge management.

This is EXACTLY what we’re aiming for with Selected.

Check your Pulse #55
The rise of community-curated knowledge networks

What are community driven companies and why to invest in them?

Lolita Taub is the Co-Founder and General Partner at The Community Fund (TCF). They invest in community-driven companies and believe that companies with community at the core will become unicorns and produce outsized returns.

Here’s her breakdown on WHY.

Community-Driven Companies: What They Are and Why We’re Investing in Them
Learn about community-driven companies, their business benefits and their attractiveness to investors.


How do you calculate the value of attention and eyeballs in the digital media & entertainment industry.

How Elena’s escape to a New York City movie theatre led to some serious revelations about “Is this profitable?”

Is this Profitable?
(or, what we talk about when we talk about eyeballs)


Putting Ice Cream on the Map

An overview of the challenges Zenly navigated and the lessons they learned from building a viral brand experience.

Putting Ice Cream on the Map
On November 1st, a select group of users in Japan opened Zenly to find an ice cream truck driving around Tokyo. 3 days and a few laps around the country later, the truck unlocked to unveil Zenly…
  • Link:
  • Author: Sarah McBride
  • Source:

Customer support

Diagnosing Symptoms of Success

Here’s one for you on-the-go.

Kaizo’s podcast with Talixo’s Jan Brenneke, as he shares his expertise in the application of analytics in the context of Customer Service and it’s intersection with management science.


How Washington’s power brokers are adapting to the New Normal — and that includes how they party and raise money.

A breakdown of how one of Washington, D.C.’s most influential social gatherings, The Meridian Ball, went virtual, and kept their bottom line on par with years prior. $850,000 on par.

The annual Meridian Ball in 2016. The event is glamorous, prestigious and usually packed shoulder-to-shoulder. (Deb Lindsey/For The Washington Post)
The annual Meridian Ball in 2016. The event is glamorous, prestigious and usually packed shoulder-to-shoulder. (Deb Lindsey/For The Washington Post)


Breaking the speed of light.

Gotta love how scientists pack their machines into aluminium foil

Quantum Tunneling Is So Quick It Could Be Instantaneous And Could Be Breaking The Speed Of Light
This website is about Latest NEWS and Updates from the world of Science, specifically from Physics, Astronomy, Quantum Physics and Technology


“You are not everything but everything could not be everything without you.”

I shared this with Dan. He cried.

To Believe in Things: Poet Joseph Pintauro’s Lost Love Poem to Life, Illustrated by the Radical Nun and Visionary Artist Sister Corita Kent

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Doctor Who’s sonic pioneers to turn internet into giant musical instrument.

The Radiophonic Workshop has always broken new sonic ground, from the Doctor Who theme to the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Now they’re at it again – this time using the internet as a musical instrument.

We’re all subject to the internet now in a way that we never thought we would be. And Bob and Paddy came up with an idea that is literally using what we’re all relying on for a creative purpose, using something that we’ve all taken for granted but in an artistic way.”

Doctor Who’s sonic pioneers to turn internet into giant musical instrument
The BBC Radiophonic Workshop made the famous science fiction theme tune and worked with the Beatles. Now it is preparing to make history


Was it hangouts or zoom? Personal or work calendar? Cut through the noise and manage all your calls and meetings in one place.

This one’s for the Mac folks (sorry others), and is a SUPER useful menu bar app that keeps you on track and on time.

‎Meeter for Zoom, Teams & Co
***9to5Mac featured productivity app*** Was it hangouts or zoom? Personal or work calendar? Cut through the noise and manage all your calls and meetings in one place. View and manage your upcoming calls. Simply connect your calendar and Meeter will automatically pull all your upcoming calls and l…

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Speaking with us for the Selected podcast during Web Summit 2024, LVMH’s Mathieu de Fayet shared insights on his journey.

New Materials
JEC World 2024 New Material

If “composites” sounds foreign to you, think again: From carbon fiber for space missions, to metal foam for data centers, new materials can build the future, and make it more sustainable. If you wonder which startups can make this happen, JEC Composites Startup Booster is your go-to. Now in its eighth edition, it will designate three winners next March, along with one winner for the sustainable dimension of its project. However, as with many competitions of this caliber, where only a handful of companies were selected among a hundred entrepreneurs, startups, and university spin-offs, each finalist is also worth knowing. This is especially true as over the years, the competition has become a true springboard for participants, thanks in big part to the support of industrial sponsors; the 2025 edition is supported by Airbus, ProxximaTM (An ExxonMobil Product) and Owens Corning as its main innovation partners, and Mercedes-Benz and Swancor as innovation partners. Meet the 20 finalists Without further ado, here’s the full list of finalists: 🇺🇸 Applied BioplasticsMaking Sustainable Commodity Plastic Affordable at Scale 🇫🇷 CAEROSTRISInnovative Composite Building System 🇨🇦 CarboMat Inc.Low-Cost Sustainable Carbon Fibers for Advanced Lightweight Composite Applications 🇬🇪 Elven TechnologiesFireproofed Lithium Batteries for EVs, Transport and Storage 🇩🇰 FiberJointsRethinking Bolted Joints for Unmatched Strength, Efficiency, and Durability 🇩🇪 Flux PolymersThe Effortless Art of Surface Functionalization 🇨🇭INCAPTEKNovel and Efficient Fire Protection Solutions for Li-Ion Batteries 🇫🇷 MCVE TechnologieSmart Reinforcing Fabrics Embedded into Composite Materials 🇪🇸 Strong by FormHigh-Performance Timber-Based Structural Composites for a Sustainable Future 🇳🇱 Tree CompositesComposite Joints for Offshore Structures 🇫🇷 ADN GroupTechnology Combining Eco-Design and the Dismantling Process of Composite Materials 🇩🇪 fibclickAutomating Tool Design: A Game-Changer for Engineering 🇫🇷 FOX CompositesEvolving Ceramic Composite Production 🇸🇬 Nandina REMThe World’s First Aviation-Grade Circular Carbon Fibre 🇨🇭NGNTSpecialized in the Development of Surface Protective Coatings 🇺🇸 Perseus Materials3D Printing Meets Pultrusion: Freeform Continuous Molding 🇬🇧 Phoenix CarbonSustainable Woven Carbon Fibre, at Half the Price of Virgin, with Identical Material Properties 🇮🇱 TemperChipTemperature Sensing at The Machined Area Prevents Overheating Damages 🇩🇰 ThiaXNon-Destructive 3D Mapping of Strain and Crystallinity in Parts 🇱🇺 Uplift360Chemical Recycling Technology for Advanced Materials If you want to hear them live, make sure to attend JEC World 2025 from March 4 to 6 and not to miss the following sessions on the Agora stage: Of course, we will also report back on the winners, so stay tuned for more updates.

New Materials

Richie Gray, Vice President and Global Head of SnackFutures Ventures at Mondelēz International, shared insights on driving innovation in snacking.


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