Sesame Summit is back, learn more

Ben’s List 11

Following our last Coffee with Sesame, I went and shared my concern on Twitter about the current practices of some virtual event vendors towards event producers. In a nutshell, if your business growth and valuation relies on events’ weakness during a pandemic, you’re not building a sustainable edge.

The founder of SaaStr replied back with an interesting comment – follow him for juicy tweets and business advice:

We wrote about the importance of communities in the event industry and the trend is only accelerating.

This week’s reading list features a bunch of interesting articles about community and marketing. I hope you’ll enjoy them.

We also spotlight consumer, femtech and foodtech news, together with a couple of crazy scientific pieces.



Moderating in moderation


A tactical guide to kickstarting your community


Why Executives Should Care About Internet Communities

“Communities aren’t social media, you cannot broadcast your message and expect to succeed. Imagine if you went to an event, got up on stage, and yelled “buy our product” over and over. It wouldn’t work, and your reputation would take a greater hit than if you said nothing at all.”



50 Best Marketing Books for Beginners and Life-Long Learners Alike to Level-Up in 2021

“Shortlisted for the Business Book Awards 2020, Carlos Gil talks about how to use new features and platforms that immediately engage with your customers — all through a humanistic approach.”


20 Ways Businesses Will Engage Social Audio



Femtech in France

Femtech has historically been segmented into four main categories: reproductive health (including menstrual & fertility solutions), pregnancy & nursing care, pelvic & uterine healthcare, general healthcare and wellness. But we believe the industry today can be better understood by breaking it down into the following categories:

  • Menstruation
  • General healthcare
  • Wellness & sexual life
  • Fertility
  • Pregnancy
  • Motherhood
  • Menopause

Consumer Tech

Consumer Technology Report 2021 (Edition #2)

High5 to our friend and Startup Sesame Season 4 alumni Joao, CEO of Lovys!

  • (report)


80+ Female FoodTech Founders, Leaders And Investors You Need To Know

Food for thought: Celebrating women and gender-equality only 1-day a year isn’t nearly enough. We all need to work towards a future where highlighting female leaders isn’t a necessity.”

  • :: Nicola Spalding


Memory transferred between snails, challenging standard theory of how the brain remembers


The edge of our existence: A particle physicist examines the architecture of society


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